How to Handle Dynamic Content

Edgemesh® provides tailored solutions to address the various types of dynamic content commonly encountered on websites. Here's how we handle each of these use cases:

  1. User-Specific Dynamic Content: This type of dynamic content, such as Account Pages and Carts, varies for each user. Edgemesh® effectively handles such user-specific content by utilizing platform-specific plugins that ensure these pages are not cached. Instead, requests for these pages are forwarded directly to the upstream server, guaranteeing personalized experiences for each user.

  2. Group-Specific Dynamic Content: Some dynamic content is specific to groups of users, such as internationalization and loyalty tiers. Edgemesh® tackles this challenge by leveraging platform plugins that dynamically shard the cache based on relevant factors like cart_currency and localization. By intelligently segmenting the cache, we ensure that different groups of users receive optimized and localized content.

  3. Event-Driven Dynamic Content: Content that changes based on specific events, like stock availability or countdowns, requires real-time updates. Edgemesh® effectively handles these event-driven dynamic elements by providing robust caching strategies that can be customized through our portal. By managing cache purges and revalidations, we ensure that your users receive the most up-to-date and accurate content at all times.

User-specific Content

For user-specific content, Edgemesh® Server has a predefined set of exclusions per platform. In most cases, this will cover 99.9% of the dynamic content on your site. For the other 0.1%, we built Dynamic Fragments.

Group-specific Content

For group-specific content, we took a more performant approach. Rather than bypassing the cache for extremely personalized content, we create Cache Shards for groups of content. This allows pages to cached, but we will cache a copy of the page per group.

Event-based Dynamic Content

For content that changes after a certain event occurs, we have the Edgemesh® API. If you can hook into the event that changes your content, you can then issue a Cache Purge through our API. This will allow you to ensure your scheduled releases, stock notifications, and similar are updated in line with the associated event.

Made withby Edgemesh Corporation