Meta Tags


Identifier meta tags are injected into the page to provide information to HTML parsers specific to Edgemesh® Server.


The rendered-by meta tag informs HTML parsers that the page was rendered by Edgemesh® Server.

Page Rendered By Edgemesh®
<meta name="rendered-by" content="edgemesh-server" />


Modifier meta tags change the behavior of Edgemesh® Server.


The em-cache meta tag provides a way to set cache instructions for a specific page. Currently, the only supported content value is no-cache, but more may be added in the future.

  • no-cache: Skip caching for the page containing the meta tag.
Skip Caching
<meta name="em-cache" content="no-cache">


The em-bypass meta tag provides a way to bypass optimizations and edge caching for a specific page. Currently, a content value is not required and all optimizations will be bypassed. In the future, we may add the ability to bypass specific optimizations if it becomes a requirement.

Skip Optimizations and Edge Caching
<meta name="em-bypass">


Sometimes there is code injected into your website that is outside of your control. Since Edgemesh® is the last hop between your website and your visitor, we can see the final code that gets delivered to your users. If you need to disable optimizations for an element you don't have access to in the HTML, you can use the em-disable meta tag. The content is a comma-separated list of CSS selectors whose matching elements will have optimizations disabled.

Disable Optimizations by Selectors
<meta name="em-disable" content="#foo, > a">


Similar to em-disable the em-dynamic meta tag is provided to denote injected content as dynamic. The content value is a comma-separated list of CSS selectors whose matching elements will be considered to contain dynamic content.

Tag Dynamic Content by Selectors
<meta name="em-dynamic" content="#user-email, div.suggestions > div">

Made withby Edgemesh Corporation